Dear advocates,

The Massachusetts for Overdose Prevention Centers (MA4OPC) Coalition is a diverse coalition of advocates, medical experts and institutions, and directly impacted people.  Please join us and ask your lawmakers to co-sponsor H.1981 and S.1242, An Act relative to preventing overdose deaths and increasing access to treatment, filed by Rep. Decker, Rep. Fernandes, and Sen. Cyr.

Despite the state’s efforts, 6 people die of drug overdose in Massachusetts every day. We must take bold action to address this overdose crisis by authorizing overdose prevention centers in MA. They save lives, increase access to harm reduction services, and link people to treatment.

Overdose prevention centers are evidence-based, legally sanctioned harm reduction facilities where people who use drugs can safely consume pre-obtained drugs under the supervision of trained healthcare workers. In New York City, two overdose prevention centers have been open since December 2021; 600 overdoses have been reversed and ZERO overdose deaths have occurred.

H.1981/S.1242 authorizes a 10-year pilot program establishing overdose prevention centers if approved by a community’s local board of health, but does not mandate communities use this tool. The bill includes civil and criminal protections for staff, clients, and operators, enabling municipalities and healthcare providers to open sites successfully.  The bill also calls for data collection to better inform our state harm reduction policy.

Every overdose death is preventable - but we must take action. Please use this form to send an email directly to your state elected representative and senator about supporting and cosponsoring H.1981 / S.1242.

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